Always On Wireless Energy Through Ultrasound

UltraSafe. UltraSimple. UltraSonic Wireless Energy.

Jadi is now agency of record for SonicEnergy™ and has been tasked to brand, launch and market this amazing new breakthrough technology – always-on wireless energy through ultrasound. Jadi’s initial work will include strategic branding, positioning, identity, web design and development, product illustration, market segmentation, video, social media, and event marketing for national and international industry shows like CES.

SonicEnergy™ is inherently safe because it transfers electrical power wirelessly through ultrasound. Ultrasound has been used in applications from parking sensors to cleaning equipment for over 50 years. Unlike radio frequency (RF) emissions, ultrasound does not permeate surfaces or walls and has been shown safe to humans and pets. Let’s be smart about how we power electricity required wireless devices for always-on-energy. SonicEnergy™ can be integrated in the product or retrofit to provide always-on-wireless energy. Contact SonicEnergy™ for more information at



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